The results from Elibank:
Results and splits per course are HERE
Results and splits per class are HERE
Routegadget for Championships courses HERE
List of Scottish Score Champions HERE
Organiser’s Report:
Thank you to all those who came down to the Borders to support Roxburgh Reivers’ running of the Scottish Score Championships 2019. We were satisfied with the turnout which matched our expectations. I hope you enjoyed your run. Certainly most faces showed a cheery disposition when returning to assembly after running and I am sure Lindsey’s courses gave much pause for thought as to what was your optimum route.
From an organisers point of view a Score event is ideal for this time of year when daylight is short. Dismantling of the event is much easier to plan when you know all competitors should be back within 70 minutes of starting.
Elibank is of course a ‘working’ forest and there is much work being done at the moment. It will be different the next time you run here! RR are thankful to Forest Enterprise and Elibank Estate for permission to hold the event.
As always RR club members gave willing and skilled support in running the event. And at the end of the day there was still a goodly number willing to go back out into the forest and collect in controls. Thank you. Special thanks are due to:-
Lindsey Knox for keeping me right on many aspects of the event organisation as well as the pre-event programming of the SI units;
Controller Ewart Scott for wise guidance and a calm head;
Duncan Shiel for a great shift on the laptop doing registration, download and also producing a comprehensive set of results for the prize-giving;
John Tullie for bringing along his trailer and generator and completing all sorts of trouble-shooting tasks on the day (and still having the energy to have a great run on his course);
And finally to Paul McGreal who led a slick prize-giving and even brought his own PA and a podium, well done to all those who got to step up on to it as Scottish Champions.
Robert Cranston
Planner’s Report:
I’ll start with a couple of apologies and get them out of the way. The bracken was still a bit more lively that I would have liked so earlier starters had a tougher run than later runners in certain areas. Secondly, I hadn’t spotted that Stirling Surveys printed the 60-min descriptions in value order which didn’t match the control number order on your maps. I personally find value order quite annoying,
Elibank was certainly tough but I received many comments from people saying how much they’d enjoyed the course. I had thrown in a few higher pointed controls to tempt people away from a natural circuit and that kept you on your toes.
There’s been much debate about whether we have a Score Championships or not but I think there’s still a place for it. Folk know that they’re only going to be out for a set time, they need to use a different skill set, and with a shorter competitive window controls can be collected before it’s dark (which we just managed on a gloomy day).
Finally, I was very impressed with some of the scores today considering the bracken was still a hindrance in places. Well done to the 3 people who cleared their courses within the time limit, I honestly didn’t think anyone would manage it !
Lindsey Knox