Author Archives: Lindsey

WOC 2024 Tour Lost Property

The following items were left at various WOC2024 Tour venues, please email Lindsey (see below) to reclaim items – no later than 17/8/24 – after which some will go to a charity shop, the others in the bin. She will post them back to you free of charge but requests that you donate at least the postage costs to the event nominated charity Heart Research UK.

  1. Unison water bottle, purple top.
  2. Firetrap grey hoodie, UK 10
  3. Sweatband
  4. CD holder
  5. Black cap
  6. Nike Black trainers size 9.5
  7. Black and Navy McKinley backpack
  8. Nike black crop top/bra
  9. Pair of M/L knee supports blue/black
  10. Hooded jacket, navy blue, female medium
  11. 6 years old cotton top, black
  12. Black jockey cap, Special Issue
  13. Men’s grey underpants
  14. Water bottle, jungle pattern
  15. Squire Padlock (no key)

To claim email Lindsey Knox:

Newtown St Boswells sprint 29/5/24

The results from the Newtown St Boswells sprint are HERE

A small but enthusiastic entry who got a bit wet at the end. Disappointing that a control was stolen by local kids when we spend a bit of time taking the local P7’s orienteering ! £100 down the drain 🙁

Thanks to John for organising and everyone who helped look for the stolen control and/or collected in controls at the end.

Darnick sprint 8/5/24 – results

Full results are now HERE

Thanks to Robin for Planning/Organising the courses with lots of route choice, and also the nice weather.

Planner’s Report

A great luxury for the organiser was that Assembly, Start and Finish were all with within one minute of home! Made the most of it and went back for a snack after setting out the controls, and only a five minute walk to the Book Club meeting after everyone had gone. So I much appreciated that so many helped with the final setting up and dismantling after – thank you all and to Lindsey for the computing.

I think most folk enjoyed the run round Darnick and from the chat afterwards enjoyed the quick decision making required in Sprints to choose and commit to a route. I was very impressed with Eileen taking the main road pavement from 5 to 6 and using the bridge – a true Sprinter’s route choice! Ian’s winning time was about the target, but still very impressive – well done Ian!

Hope the weather is as kind for the remaining three Sprint events, hope to see you at St Boswells next week.
