Darnick sprint 8/5/24 – results

Full results are now HERE

Thanks to Robin for Planning/Organising the courses with lots of route choice, and also the nice weather.

Planner’s Report

A great luxury for the organiser was that Assembly, Start and Finish were all with within one minute of home! Made the most of it and went back for a snack after setting out the controls, and only a five minute walk to the Book Club meeting after everyone had gone. So I much appreciated that so many helped with the final setting up and dismantling after – thank you all and to Lindsey for the computing.

I think most folk enjoyed the run round Darnick and from the chat afterwards enjoyed the quick decision making required in Sprints to choose and commit to a route. I was very impressed with Eileen taking the main road pavement from 5 to 6 and using the bridge – a true Sprinter’s route choice! Ian’s winning time was about the target, but still very impressive – well done Ian!

Hope the weather is as kind for the remaining three Sprint events, hope to see you at St Boswells next week.
