Category Archives: Results of RR events

Newtown St Boswells sprint 29/5/24

The results from the Newtown St Boswells sprint are HERE

A small but enthusiastic entry who got a bit wet at the end. Disappointing that a control was stolen by local kids when we spend a bit of time taking the local P7’s orienteering ! £100 down the drain 🙁

Thanks to John for organising and everyone who helped look for the stolen control and/or collected in controls at the end.

Darnick sprint 8/5/24 – results

Full results are now HERE

Thanks to Robin for Planning/Organising the courses with lots of route choice, and also the nice weather.

Planner’s Report

A great luxury for the organiser was that Assembly, Start and Finish were all with within one minute of home! Made the most of it and went back for a snack after setting out the controls, and only a five minute walk to the Book Club meeting after everyone had gone. So I much appreciated that so many helped with the final setting up and dismantling after – thank you all and to Lindsey for the computing.

I think most folk enjoyed the run round Darnick and from the chat afterwards enjoyed the quick decision making required in Sprints to choose and commit to a route. I was very impressed with Eileen taking the main road pavement from 5 to 6 and using the bridge – a true Sprinter’s route choice! Ian’s winning time was about the target, but still very impressive – well done Ian!

Hope the weather is as kind for the remaining three Sprint events, hope to see you at St Boswells next week.


Gordon Sprint 1 – 24/4/24

Full results are HERE

Thank you for coming along to the first event of the summer sprint series at Gordon Community Woodland. I hope you enjoyed your run and your feet did not get too wet.

I was delighted that the weather was fair on the evening of the event, a couple of my reconnaissance trips in the weeks prior to the event were in heavy rain and on one occasion good parts of the area were underwater. In planning the Sprint course I wanted to give competitors stretches of good running, offer some opportunity for route choice and try to ensure the winning time was between 15 and 20 minutes.

As ever I had great help from other Reivers in organising. Lindsey helped with the computing aspects of the planning and entries , Robin provided updates of the map and also arrived early to help set up. After the event I had lots of volunteers to help with “putting the toys back in the box”. Michael, Robin, Bridget, Judith, Ian and Paul collecting in controls, banners and signs while Lindsey checked the SI units and putting them to bed.

Finally thanks to Gordon Community Woodland for allowing us to use the forest for the event.

Rob Cranston, Planner/Organiser