Come and Try It and training event

Event information

What: Come and Try It and training event
Where: Eildon Hills, Melrose (on the old Bogle Burn road near Eildon Village.  Map Ref: NT 570328 (link here)
When: 11:00 to 12:30pm, Saturday 21 February 2009
Getting there: Turn off the A68 at the north end of Newtown St. Boswells then take the first road on the right (will be signed from here)
Courses: Yellow course and training exercise controls.
Start time: Starts from 11:00 to 12:30
Entry fees: Seniors: £3
Juniors and students: £1
More information: Ian Maxwell
Telephone: 01835 863268
Series co-ordinator: Robin Sloan
Telephone: 01896 822548
email: robin_sloan @