Results from the event are HERE
Thank you to all those who came along to Bowhill to support this Roxburgh Reivers event. I hope you enjoyed your run. Even when it is dripping wet I think Bowhill is still a delight to run around, particularly at this time of year. I certainly enjoyed my visits to the forest in the preparation and in setting out the courses. My apologies for forgetting to attach kites to a couple of controls and for also not including a scale on the orange course map. I hope my mistakes were not too detrimental to the enjoyment of your run.
Great to see a few new faces taking part and also some newcomers coming back for another go. There was some hot competition on the Yellow course with Wilson Tullie leading the way and keeping up the family tradition . The Light Green also provided a close race with less than two minutes covering the first four places. Well done to Barry Veitch for being the quickest and also to Alexander & Stuart Middleton who completed the Orange in an impressively quick time.
As ever lots of Roxburgh Reivers pitched up to help in the organisational chores of the day . Eb, Robin and Lindsey helped set up the event while for the tidy up Andrew, Eb, Robin, Kate, Barry, Cathy and Lindsey all contributed. Lindsey showed her calm expertise in running the computer aspect of the event and Duncan also helped rescue me in this area too.
Rob Cranston (Organiser/Planner)
p.s. The next event is at Teviothead on Saturday 12 November. It’s also the East of Scotland Championships 2022 but don’t let that put you off as there are courses for all abilities – White to Brown.