Abbotsford event 13/1/24

Provisonal results from Abbotsford are HERE. Well done to the two people who cleared the course and earned bonus bonus points, that was good going.

Thanks to everyone for the large turnout which makes Kate’s hard work on planning and organising worth the effort, and it was good to see a few new faces.

The Club Champion for 2024 is John Tullie with Colin Williams 2nd and Fiona Forrest 3rd. Kate may (or may not) share the handicap with us but I can vouch for the fact that the numbers were already in her laptop so there was no “fixing” after people finished !

Hope to see most of you at our next event which is in Dundock Wood (The Hirsel) amongst the rhododendrons. I’ve had fun planning the courses and you should have fun running there. I’ll update the webpage and add a link for pre-entries soon.
