Bowmont results and report

Results from today’s event are HERE

First of all, thank you to everyone who came along and took part on Saturday. A special thank you to everyone who helped bring in controls and an extra special thank you to Lindsey for advice on planning and for her help on the day.

A heartfelt apology for the muddled controls which affected some folk on the Orange course until I finally understood what a few of you had been trying to tell me about the “missing” tower at 106 and swapped them over. They were the first controls I put out and my brain had obviously not been engaged at that point. The splits are a bit distorted for that leg because I changed them over. Maybe I should have left them but I wanted to do it before Emma on the Yellow course got to them as they were both on her course. I hope that you all enjoyed your run despite this.

The nature of the vegetation in areas of Bowmont has changed quite dramatically, partly due to wind-blow and partly from the ongoing forestry operations so, after my first visit in January, I decided to mainly use the southern part of the map which was less affected by these.

My final visit was on last Monday when I checked the location of the depression where control 119 was. The bracken and stinging nettles were just starting to appear. I was amazed on Saturday to find how much undergrowth had appeared in 4 days and how tall it had grown, making everything off the paths on the Orange course that bit more challenging.

Finally, weren’t we lucky with the weather! We were all geared up for a miserable day and I actually could have done with wearing sun-cream. The rain was around though; parts of the road between Kelso and Edinburgh were seriously flooded and I drove through Gordon in a downpour.
