Eildons 9/3/25 TWMRT event

Our Eildons event on Sunday 9/3/25 is a fund-raiser for the Tweed Valley Mountain Rescue Team. Pre-entries have now closed but there will be a few entries available on the day.

As at lunchtime on Saturday we have 4 Green, 5 Red, 2 Orange and 3 Yellow maps available

Live results should be HERE during the day.

RR Night Champs 2025 – Selkirk Hill

The basic results are HERE

The adjusted handicap results are below. Well done to Max for an excellent run in the dark, beating the handicapper.

PositionTarget scoreActual score%
1Max ArthurM60160183114.38
2John TullieM6522021095.45
3Robin SloanM7520018090.00
4Lindsey KnoxW6520017085.00
5Quin ArthurM2121015272.38
6Keith MurrayM6021013061.90
7Fiona JohnstonW651509060.00
8Bridget KhursheedW601509060.00
9Robert CranstonM6020010050.00
10Judith PurvesW501507046.67
11Ian MaxwellM652309139.57
12James PurvesM651902513.16

Lanton/Club Championships 18/2/25

Results of the club championships:

PositionName CategoryScoreTargetRaceTimeTime penaltyNet time
1Quin ArthurM21909000:33:4000:33:40
2Barry VeitchM5013013000:34:3700:34:37
3Fiona JohnstonW65707000:36:2500:36:25
4Colin WilliamsM5015015000:38:5300:38:53
5John TullieM6515015000:39:3200:39:32
6Judith PurvesW50707000:39:3300:39:33
7Bridget KhursheedW60707000:40:1400:40:14
8Robert CranstonM6011011000:46:4800:46:48
9Max ArthurM60808000:50:4200:50:42
10Robin SloanM7511011000:51:4500:51:45
11Lindsey KnoxW6510011000:50:4005:0000:55:40
12James PurvesM659011000:59:3710:0001:09:37
13Andrew JacksonM55608001:12:5610:0001:22:56

Full results are HERE

Thanks to Ian and Eileen for organising, and well done to Quin on his championship win.

Heronhill event 14/12/24

Results are HERE

Thanks to John for Organising/Planning which included putting the controls out twice due to the orginal date being cancelled.

Planner’s Report:

I hope you all enjoyed your run round Target Hill (so named as it was used by the Homeguard during the war for target practice) and the Miller’s Knowes (the miller from Hawick Corn Mill had the grazing rights here). The weather was certainly a big improvement from last Saturday – although it was a lot sunnier earlier in the morning when I was waking up the controls. Target hill is where I graze my cows and calves for the summer, so I obviously know the area very well and my aim was to take you to all the nice bits. I also tried to spread the controls so that there wasn’t an obvious best route. Standing watching competitors running across the face of the hill in all different directions and from comments afterwards I think I achieved that. I always knew that it would be possible to get all the controls within the time limit, so it was essential to minimise the distance run and to minimise the climbing involved. I have attached a map showing what I think is the optimum route – you may beg to differ !


Kelso urban event 16/11/24

Full results including splits are HERE

It was very encouraging to see such a good turn out for the only urban event in our Autumn series.  The work done by Lindsey Knox, Robin Sloan and Rob Cranston in particular to recruit some entrants from the Kelso parkrun bore fruit with a number of entrants on the Long/Light Green course. And from the conversations that I had, they appeared to enjoy this new challenge. I do hope they will return for more!

Having planned the big Kelso Urban event last year, I thought that a fresh start and finish would provide something a bit different for most competitors this time. My focus for the Light Green course was on providing as much route choice as possible for most of the legs. I therefore made use of the Roxburgh Street/Bowmont Street corridor in both directions which offered numerous lanes, closes and backyards and one sneaky wall corner which found quite a number on the wrong side of it. Those who chose the wrong side lost 2-3 minutes on leg 7-8.  I was particularly pleased to discover that there were at least 5 different routes used by competitors on the long leg 5-6. The longer routes provided more straightforward running but smart navigation could cut the length down to some extent.

Thanks to everyone for the kind words about the courses that I received at the finish. And thanks to one competitor for finding a narrow cut-through route within the town centre which has been hitherto unmapped.  That will be corrected very soon.

Andrew (Organiser/Planner)