Selkirk Hill event 19/10/24

Full results are HERE

A glorious day on Selkirk Hill and looks like I tested a few people in the “interesting” sections ! Thanks to Bridget, Eileen,Ian, John and Robin who helped collect in the controls at the end. Bridget has a few photos on the closed Facebook page.

Lindsey (Organiser/Planner)

Gala Hill Results 14th September ’24

Thanks all for coming and hope everyone enjoyed running on Gala Hill, after a fairly long gap since the last event here – hope you all agree it’s not a bad wee area for orienteering !

Well done John for the fastest time, but if Colin Williams hadn’t ‘warmed up’ by running from Innerleithen to the Start and wearing flat shoes, it might have been different…! And thanks very much to Fiona F, Judith and Ian for help with the event, much appreciated.

Full results are now HERE

Newtown St Boswells sprint 29/5/24

The results from the Newtown St Boswells sprint are HERE

A small but enthusiastic entry who got a bit wet at the end. Disappointing that a control was stolen by local kids when we spend a bit of time taking the local P7’s orienteering ! £100 down the drain 🙁

Thanks to John for organising and everyone who helped look for the stolen control and/or collected in controls at the end.