A small number of Reivers headed for Pitmedden Forest last Sunday for the Scottish Score Championships. With pre-plans in our heads we waited on the start line, picked up our maps, saw that the only 50 pointer was miles away and there was a sea of 10’s near the start/finish area. In some cases pre-plans were abandoned, some carried on regardless and generally most people ran about frantically before making a bolt for home. Why do we panic when given a 60 minute deadline with penalties – it’s not as if the penalties are life-threatening !
Fiona Forrest came off best, finishing well within time but maybe regretting time not used fully until she saw that she had a winning margin. Bill Bruce had an “OK” run he said but finished a couple of minutes late. Jim Knox forgot that he’s not running fit nowadays and had a long run for home but made it with 8 seconds to spare (and had sore legs the next day !). Lindsey Knox had decided to go for the big points and enjoyed seeing a different bit of terrain but ended up having to leg it back along a forest track, bypassing lots of potential points, finishing almost 2 minutes late and getting beaten by Maggie and Christine by a measly 1 point.
Unfortunately the weather turned nasty towards the end of the competition and people didn’t linger although there was a good burger/bacon roll van in attendance.
Results here