The next Roxburgh Reivers event will be held in Lanton Woods on Saturday 12th April. Starts will be available between 1pm and 2pm.
Registration is located on the back road between Bonjedward and Jedburgh at Grid Reference NT650228 Please be aware that parking will be tight. The diagram below shows areas highlighted in RED where you will be able to park. These are the Registration point itself, off the road [probably 6 cars], hardstanding at Monklaw Fram [up to 10 cars] and the grass verge back down the road to Bonjedward [4 or 5 cars possibly]. There may also be space down near the start [the wooded area with the stream] but that depends on whether the Monklaw farmer needs access to the fields close by.
Please DO NOT PARK in the area highlighted in BLUE in front of the cottage.
Wherever you park, please park sensibly.
There will be three courses
Yellow: 1.9 Km
Orange++: 2.7 Km
Light Green: 4.3 Km
At the moment (29th March) Lanton is quite wet underfoot, especially near the Start and alongside the stream. The forecast for the next week at least is not too bad so hopefully it should be a bit dryer on 12th April.