Results are HERE
Winsplits – HERE
Routegadget – HERE
Any results queries to Lindsey Knox please – Lindsey “at”
Notes from the Planner :
In the past we’ve experienced a number of extremes when we’ve put on a bigger event at Teviothead – a hot,sticky, midgie-filled summer night for a Harvester Trophy and a thoroughly sodden October CompassSport Cup final spring to mind. But today, for most of you, conditions were ideal for a challenging run – visibility on this very open area was limited by the mist which placed a greater importance on keeping in close contact with the map.
I do hope that you enjoyed the challenge that the contour detail can provide. I tried to make sure that all courses presented as many interesting legs as possible. In particular, legs 3-4 on Green and Short Blue offered a fundamental route choice of crossing the direct rough new plantation area versus the longer route on the open hill. And I heard from quite a few of you justifying both route choices – that’s music to a planner’s ears !
But if it made you think, then I do hope that you leave with an appreciation of why we in Roxburgh Reivers regard Teviothead as one of our best classic orienteering areas.
Andrew Armstrong, Roxburgh Reivers.