Results of the event at the Eildons on 23 Feb 2013 are HERE.
The winner on Orange, Charlie Allison, found and manually punched a control left over from our string course in March 2012 but it was near his proper control so has been credited with completing the course. Great to see such a good turnout on a cold day. The next event is at Bowmont on 23 March.
Sorry for the minor computer glitches on the day – cold hands and a learner computer technician !
* * * * * * *
The learner computer technician says “#1@?!!!!!” – as with all IT systems it’s easy until you presssss the wrong button and the data disappears. Apologies to all who
suffered from delayed results, and especially the person who appeared to be disqualified before she even got her map! Thanks to Lindsey for sorting things out and to Rob and others for helping with the equipment – and to all you participants for coming and making the whole event worthwhile.