Gala Policies Night-o 22/11/17

Results from this evenings night-o in Gala Policies are HERE.

Thanks to Robin for the nice new map and for the planning/organising.

Organiser’s Report:

Thanks to all those who came to the Gala Policies Night Event, you made the mapper/organiser’s efforts worthwhile. It must have been tempting just to draw the curtains on the rain and spend the evening with a good book – but although it was wet, fortunately wasn’t too cold. Hopefully everyone enjoyed the course on a ‘new’ area. Rob reckoned it’s 23 years since Gala Policies were last used for orienteering, that event being spoiled by vandalism in the days before gripples.

Well done John for the fastest time, with Barry and Mike not far behind – they’ve clearly got night orienteering sussed! But everyone deserves credit for braving the elements and finishing the course. Thanks to Paul for help and equipment, to Pauline, John and Rob for bringing in controls, and to Lindsey for sorting the computing glitch.

See you at Selkirk Hill for the third night event next week!
