The results can be seen by clicking HERE
That was a good turnout on Tuesday, and with the bonus of a few locals recruited by Seb and Ellie, hope everyone enjoyed the orienteering. We certainly chose a good evening for it, weather seriously downhill by Wednesday afternoon.
As hoped, Darnick made quite a good venue for a Sprint and I was pleased at how competitive the event was, with no fewer than four runners holding the lead at one point. Somehow I lost the symbol for a narrow path on the new map, but half an hour with a strimmer made them a bit more obvious. Well done to Tim for coming through to win. Thanks again also to the Darlow family for generously providing a venue for the prizegiving, and to Ian for doing the maths and arranging the prizes.
Maybe a night sprint at Shunter’s Wud next winter when the vegetation has died down?
Thanks very much to Duncan for coming to the rescue and putting the results and splits on the website – that was way beyond my computing skills!
Thanks again all for coming