The fourth of this years Spring series. This event was held around the woods which lie at the foot of the southern flank of the Eildon triumvirate. There was a reasonable turnout of 17 participants , from around the Borders, from Morebattle to Hawick and points in-between. After the wild weather of the previous days it was a relief to have a calm albeit muggy evening. Participants were certainly breaking into a sweat as they climbed from the start to the first controls. While the courses only went a little higher than the edge of wood, this was enough for most but not enough for Team Rodwell who climbed Eildon Hill North as a detour on their route.
Most elected not to be timed but Rob Burgess impressed with his sub-30 minute dash around the Orange course while the pairing of Kursheed and Heger raced around the Yellow course in a nippy 21 minutes. All participants seemed to have enjoyed their jaunts around the woodland. As ever, lots of Reivers contributed to the success of the evening; thanks to Douglas Henderson for helping place controls and running Registration; to Judy, Eileen and Kirsten for collecting controls in; and to Lindsey for printing the maps as well as collecting controls in.
Next event is at Bowhill on Wednesday 8 June when it is hoped the new electronic punching equipment will make its debut.