Results are HERE
Thanks to Ian for another entertaining afternoon out, despite all your reservations you all seemed to have enjoyed the challenge. The Yellow course comprised a short Yellow and then a short Yellow+. Other courses were micr-o with no control codes on the map and 1 minute penalty for each wrong punch.
Overall Results Micro-O
1st Faisal Khursdeed 51.42
2nd Amjad Khursheed 57.07
3rd Eb Rooney 62.03
4th James Purves 62.35
5th Patrick Squire 64.41
6th Marc Heger 66.16
7th Duncan Sheil 68.34
8th Rainer Heger 79.13
9th Fiona Johnston 80.17
10th Judith Pate 98.23
11th Mhorag Heger 102.59
12th Sam McKinnon 104.59
Well done to the 12 competitors who completed all 3 courses especially those who would normally have ran an Orange course. (this was a big step up)
Fiona was the only person to make no mistakes on all 3 courses, Lindsey managed 2 wins and no mistakes out of 2 courses but Faisal was a worthy winner with easily the fastest time and only 1 wrong control (although he did get 2 penalties for missing out controls 13 & 14 on course 3).
Here’s a spreadsheet of the penalties picked up per course.
I promise normal type courses for Bowhill on 29 March.